Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Where the money goes in communications

To profit in a war, you have to be an arms provider. To profit in the communications age, you have to be a carrier.

My family spends over $400 a month on communications: cell phones, high-speed Internet, cable television and a landline. Except for the last item on that list, twenty-five years ago these technologies were not available in the available in the average American home.

So here is my question. Clearly, twenty-five years ago we were able to live without some of these technologies. If you were unemployed, what would you give up first? And what would be the last thing you held onto to secure some semblance to your former life. I watch unemployed friends make these decisions on an all too frequent basis.

It's not like food or rent, which you need. But for most of us, it's the toys that define who we are. In this case, it's the toys the define how we talk to the world. Where do you severe the lines of communication?

Just curious.

In case you are wondering, I am hanging onto the toys. But periodically, I like to take inventory of the clutter and ditch the debris.

1 comment:

Anne Marie Donadio said...

Hi Tony, I think I am qualified to answer this somewhat as I joined the masses of the unemployed last Feb. Right when I got laid off, RCN came to the door and offered to lower my media bill by $60 a month if we signed a two year deal. Seeing as we already had RCN for nine years and were perfectly happy, we signed the deal and saved the money. In addition, at the same time, Verizon added more than 350 minutes to my cell phone plan which Verizon no longer offers. It is their 24.99/month plan. I believe their cheapest plan these days begins at $39.99.

I think if push came to shove, I would ditch the local phone and just use my cell phone and would significantly cut the cable bill. I really only keep the cable because of the shows for my girls and the VOD capability to bring up their shows. I have found since I have become unplugged from the world of the employed that I do not need any of the newer communication devices that have hit the market in the past 12 months. They are all geared either for the business world or the teenage world and seeing as I belong to neither their marketing efforts are lost on me. Books are pretty much my best friend and I find I am way more engaged with my family since I unplugged. Not being tied to a lap top is true freedom. :-)

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